Terpel launches new customer loyalty plan and digital app for its users
- Terpel has launched ViveTerpel, its new customer loyalty program that makes it easy for customers to accumulate and redeem points.
- The program uses Terpel’s new app designed specifically for the fuel distribution segment in Colombia.
- ViveTerpel puts in evidence the company’s work toward a digital transformation in response to the needs of the new consumers.
Because Terpel serves people, not cars, and always keeps its customers at the center of its decisions, it launched the ViveTerpel loyalty plan that can be accessed through the brand’s new app, and through the web site www.viveterpel.com.
The organization has developed this new program to help customers feel closer to the company by giving them easy access to benefits and fun surprises designed just for them. The benefits and surprises can be redeemed with the points they accumulate each time they fill up, and, initially, from purchases in Altoque stores. Company products can be redeemed at more than 900 points of sale, including service stations and stores involved in the program.
In addition to accessing ViveTerpel, customers can use the brand app to obtain updated information about the location of service stations and fuel prices, in addition to checking on the points accumulated with each purchase. The app also provides the option of easily redeeming those points from an extensive catalog with a wide variety of products.
ViveTerpel and the App will continue to evolve during 2022, with new partnerships and features that will keep Terpel nearby and relevant as our customers keep moving and experience Colombia.
With the Terpel app and ViveTerpel, the company continues to evolve and undergo a digital transformation. Its goal is to stay close to its users, offering them convenient service in line with their needs and promoting easy interaction with the brand using digital media.
“With ViveTerpel, we will stay even closer to our consumers, who are the source of inspiration for all these projects underway. With this initiative, we are leading the way in the digital transformation of a traditional industry like fuel distribution. We will continue working on technological developments that allow us to provide better service and adapt to new consumption trends," indicated Oscar Bravo, President of Organización Terpel.
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