Terpel, the sector's only company recognized as one of the most admired companies in Colombia

18 Nov, 2021

  • Organización Terpel was ranked as one of the most admired companies in the country, according to the assessment by Cifras y Conceptos.

The firm Cifras y Conceptos announced the results of its opinion panel’s 13th annual assessment of the perception of the country's different opinion leaders of political, economic, and social issues. On this occasion, Organización Terpel was recognized as one of last year’s 25 most-admired companies.

This is the first time Terpel has been recognized by this ranking, considered to be one of the country's most prestigious. The study, conducted between July and October, consulted 1,544 experts, people from the academic world, councilpersons, senators, presidents, vice presidents, members of boards of directors, and media executives. These people shape opinion in Colombia and have the ability to predict trends in and influence political affairs and issues on the national agenda.

“We are much honored that the country's opinion leaders have recognized us in this way. It comes as a result of our commitment as a Country Partner and of the conviction of the entire Terpel team of the importance of aligning ourselves with the most relevant needs in our surroundings, taking care of the environment, and always pursuing the well-being and development of the regions and the communities where we operate," stated Daniel Perea, Vice President of Corporate Affairs.

This recognition is on top of the recent Merco results, where the company was ranked 25 among the companies with the best reputation in Colombia.


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